
Sources, quotations, citations - people are trained not to think independently.

Truth needs NO citations to exist - lies do need hundreds of other citated lies to exist.

Since early childhood peoples consciousness is being shaped by false axioms of medicine. Whenever one hears that vaccine preservatives cross-link (turn solid) in contact with lactic acid or raspberries and blackberries are neurotoxic - reflexively, according to medicine recommendations - illogicaly asks the perpetrator for documentation of its crimes.

The situation is absurdly irrational - medicine trained people to demand the sources of medicine in case of polemics with harmful nonsense of medicine!

No one can be a judge in his own case - and medicine and pharmacy are brazenly trying to do so!

Have you ever heard of a case that a criminal documented his crimes?

Medicine and pharmacy are not exceptions and do not document reliably and genuinely that they promote e.g. neurotoxic fruits containing hydroxy acids (free gallic acid) - raspberries and blackberries that cross-link in people's brains. Instead, they produce thousands of studies proving false and harmful theses.

Medicine is a craft - not a science - it only pretends to be a science!

To prove that medicine's recommendations are false and harmful, you must do the research yourself and think on your own! 

Chemistry of varnishes, paints and glues is well documented - onyone can easily find information concerning polymers, cross-linking esters, hydroxyacid and drying polyunsaturated fats. The effort must be done to uderstand that these substances turn solid in tissues when they meet with innocent lactic acid. 

Feed a guinea pig with raspberries to see it autistic and soon dead, try to wash the raspberry stains from a white shirt with salicylic acid to see how gallic acid is being dissolved in tissues. Put gluten (chewing gum) into the lemon juice or sauerkraut/pickles and see how it softens and flows - and you know that acidic fruits increase its absorption causing diabetes and hypertension. Make a section of a pancreas or heart of an old dog - you will find chewing gum (gluten) choking its arteries. 

Simple experiments show the truth - take lineseed oil and mix it with kefir - you will see how drying oils turn solid thus damaging brains and organs (Budwig diet is killing people) - so omega-3 is in fact a poison, heavily promoted poison. 

Think on your own - and do not expect sources or quotations from medical criminals proving their crimes!

1 comment:

O naturze pasożytnictwa.

 Katarzyna Hoffman   W przyrodzie żaden pasożyt nie eksploatuje nadmiernie swojego żywiciela, bo powoduje to jego własną szkodę, a że w zasa...