
Depression & co are diseases caused by deposits choking nerve tissue.



You may get a severe cognitive dissonance now when I state that there are no mental diseases at all (!)

All so called mental diseases are in fact organic diseases caused by chemical and/or mechanical damages of nerve tissue. Mental disorders are only symptoms and defense mechanisms against suffering - they are NOT a disease but its symptoms!

Of course, there are emotionally and psychologically difficult situations in life, but they are usually used to construct false rationalizations about the causes of psychiatric conditions. A person with a healthy nervous system treats mentally difficult situations as challenges, a person damaged with polyesters, resins, gluten, calcifications etc., will look for the causes of mental problems in a difficult life situation, and medical criminals will eagerly provide false rationalizations and further poisons that destroy the nervous system. 

Psychotherapy is a conversation about emotions - it is good for healthy people because it helps to develop self-awareness. Pharmacological treatment is necessary only in conditions requiring sedation - in other cases it is a common health destruction process that pharma criminals perform on all its clients. 

Most popular factors and their sources gradually infiltrating and thus damaging nerve tissue which together lead to mental problems are:

  • resins and their precursors - cochineal (cheapest red dye made from insect shells), shellfish, salmon (naturally eating krill containing resins which make its meat orange), vaccines (e.g. maleic acid), drugs, supplements, hop resin in beer, plums, amber/pine tinctures.
  • polymerising esters - some fruits heavily promoted by pharma criminals are toxic - i.a. raspberries, blackberries as they cause miscarriages, birth and developmental defects, allergies and leukemia.
  • taninns - wine, grapes, elderberries, blackcurrant and many more. 
  • gluten (aka chewing gum) from some grains (wheat, oats and barley plus foods contaminated/infiltrated with it like chicken, turkey or rye). Gluten is edible when its absorption is blocked by milk proteins. Mac & cheese is a perfect food but mac and tomatoes without cheese is a slowly acting poison as acidic foods like tomatoes vastly increase gluten absorption. 
  • drying oils - lineseed oil and drying (polyunsaturated) fractions of unrefined edible oils. It is hard to buy not falsified olive oil so be cautious when buying olive!
  • calcifications which are formed in nerve tissue when excessive sex is an issue. Note that AIDS is not caused by any virus, it is an immunity damage caused by breakdown of nerve tissue hormonal activity. Easiest and powerful cure in this case is to dissolve these calcifications with methabolites of pure alcohol used before sleep to avoid addiction (pure vodka is ok, wine, beer and tinctures damage health with their resins and polyesters).  

 ........... much more to be listed

There exist many means to dissolve and remove harmful deposits from nerve tissue - but one needs to understand that the cleaning (and thus healing) process must be slow to avoid excessive symptoms of secondary poisoning with what is being dissolved in all tissues (not only the brain). Nerve tissue when cleaned is in most cases able to regenerate. So feel free to study the blog and gradually regain your health and life.

  1. Study the blog and identify cause(s) of your depression.
  2. Stop harming yourself
  3. Gradually clean up your soul

Why medicine is misleading, poisoning, robbing and killing people instead of curing them? 

Medicine was created to do so. Every species on Earth needs to have its natural enemy killing weaker individuals to avoid degeneration and extinction of the whole population. This blog was created to give some chances to survive the medical genocide to people who are able to think independently.


Good luck folks! 

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A pandemic of common cold killing people with vaccine-damaged immunity.


Most of the alleged "covid-19" infections are asymptomatic or mild. Millions of infected people recover often without realizing it. These people are millions of evidences that the covid-19 virus is not a problem for people with normal, intact immunity. 

On the other hand, a few percent of those infected become seriously ill and a few percent of them die. 

This is the statistical picture of a "pandemic". Since the overwhelming majority of people have no problem defeating the infection, it means that this virus is completely harmless and trouble-free. A serious problem, however, is that part of the population has damaged immunity (most commonly by flu vaccinations). 

These elementary, logical conclusions are too difficult to be stated by medical "professionals" indoctrinated with harmful and false "knowledge" additionally biased due to the sources of funding. 

Nobody talks about these facts in lamestream media, because 80% of the media's revenues come from pharma advertisements. 

You can read about how to restore immunity damaged by vaccinations containing neurotoxic resin precursors in my other blog posts.


Please share, copy, distribute, discuss and consider supporting our educational efforts: 

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  • international transfers:
    • IBAN: PL61 1020 1068 0000 1802 0292 1096 
    • BIC (SWIFT):  BPKOPLPW 61 1020 1068 0000 1802 0292 1096



Pandemia przeziębienia zabijającego ludzi ze zniszczoną szczepieniami odpornością.



Większość infekcji rzekomym "covid-19" ma przebieg bezobjawowy lub łagodny. Miliony ludzi przechodzi zakażenie często nie zdając sobie nawet z tego sprawy. Ci ludzie to miliony dowodów na to, że wirus "covid-19" nie jest żadnym problemem dla ludzi z normalną, nieuszkodzoną odpornością. 

Z drugiej strony kilka procent zakażonych choruje ciężko a z nich kilka procent umiera. Taki jest statystyczny obraz "pandemii".

Skoro przytłaczająca większość ludzi nie ma żadnego problemu z pokonaniem infekcji oznacza to, że wirus ten jest zupełnie niegroźny i bezproblemowy. Poważnym problemem jest jednak to, że część populacji ma zniszczoną (m.in. przez szczepienia na grypę) odporność. 

Te elementarne, logiczne wnioski są zbyt trudne do sformułowania dla "specjalistów" medycyny zindoktrynowanych szkodliwą i fałszywą "wiedzą", nieobiektywnych z racji źródeł finansowania. W lamestream mediach nikt o tym nie mówi, bo 80% przychodów mediów pochodzi z reklam leków i suplementów.

O tym jak odbudować odporność zniszczoną szczepieniami zawierającymi neurotoksyczne prekursory żywic przeczytacie w pozostałych moich wpisach na blogu - np. tutaj: mechanizm toksyczności szczepień

O naturze pasożytnictwa.

 Katarzyna Hoffman   W przyrodzie żaden pasożyt nie eksploatuje nadmiernie swojego żywiciela, bo powoduje to jego własną szkodę, a że w zasa...