
How to induce leukemia.

To induce leucemia in kids one can use two means - synthetic drugs or natural fruit poison.
Vaccines contain resin components (succinic and maleic acid salts) which cross-link with lactic acid in tissues causing neural damage observed as deaths, autism, palsies and leucemias. Deposits of dried up resins choke neurons producing hormones which make bone marrow proliferate and thus leucemias occur.
A quite similar effect occur when feeding children with raspberry or blackberry (juice) - but it will be ecological and natural poison - used by pharma for centuries. With the advances of medicine and pharmacy, children are now poisoned in the same mechanism but with modern synthetic means. This is a great progress because not all children like sour fruits / juices!

The remedy for leukemia is to remove from the nervous tissue the cross-linked deposits stifling neurons. The dissolving agent of the crosslinked resins and polyesters is salicylic acid released in the liver from acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin). Aspirin should be non-coated, non-poisoned, without zinc, shellac, chochineal, palmitates (tallow), crystalline cellulose, waxes or other poisons.

In the case of children, the doses must be correspondingly lower because the deposits flowing in the nervous tissue may exacerbate neurological symptoms (so-called aspirin-induced asthma).

In general - everything that medicine and pharmacy says are harmful lies and nonsense. It should be remembered that medicine exists to harm people in substitution for natural environmental enemies which no longer exist. Lions, tigers, wolves and hyenas were replaced by medicine and pharmacy. Exterminating intellectually weaker individuals with harmful dietary advice and poisonous medicines is their aim and sense of existence.

If after the first vaccine you have failed to cause a child's nervous palsy, autism or leukemia - do not give up - you will finally find a lot of vaccines with the desired poison! 
And if you doubt the honest intentions of medicine and pharmacy - you can poison your children traditionally with neurotoxic fruits - raspberries and blackberries. Good luck!

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