
Lactose intolerance is a symptom of blood-brain barrier impaired by crystalline cellulose.

Katarzyna Hoffman


Milk exists inter alia to protect the health of mammals by blocking absorption of harmful substances - such as gluten gum from grains or crystalline cellulose dust from plant stems. 

The blocking mechanism, in simple terms, is that casein, lactose and possibly other substances have affinity for sticking to hostile substances. Milk components adhere to hostile molecules to form large conglomerates of molecules unable to cross barriers. 

When harmful particles are already in tissues and we drink normal milk like normal people - they aggregate with lactose in our tissues and as a result the tissue is choked. 

The body's automatic response to suffocation of nerve tissue is diarrhea, because the body assumes that it has taken something harmful and must urgently expel it - and in this case it has taken something useful and already had a harmful one in it.

So how do we remove crystalline cellulose from our tissues and thus get rid of lactose intolerance? 

One should use enzymes called cellulases which turn cellulose into harmless sugar.

To do this, you need to get a good quality linseed (beware - linseed is a poison as it contains drying oil!), rinse it in cold water and then soak it in cold water until it releases mucus (about 8-12 hours). 

Then strain the seeds containing poisonous drying oil (polyunsaturated means the same as drying, i.e. good for painting fences) and drink only the mucus - not seeds!

The linseed mucus, if it has not been heated, contains active cellulases that dissolve the crystalline cellulose in the tissues, which causes lactose intolerance. 

The cellulose crystals that make up the plant stems are harder than the Kevlar used to make helmets and bulletproof vests - they can only be defeated with the power of wisely used enzymes. 

Linseed is poisonous because it contains drying oil that destroys tissues - to use it properly - extract cellulase mucus from it and discard the seeds.

Avoiding milk quickly leads to the devastation of health of people living in the Western world, because gluten and harmful whole-grain products.

Flour produce should be eaten only when made of the purest flour available and, of course, unleavened (acid-free) - pancakes, pita, challah or pasta.

Removal of cellulose crystals from tissues is quick and disappearance of milk intolerance is almost immediate.

Lactose-free milk is milk that does not fulfill an important function - it does not protect against the absorption of crystalline cellulose dust - similar to the so-called plant milks that do not block gluten absorption should not be called milk - because it does not function as milk - it is a white drink.

When we succumb to pharmaceutical propaganda and eat the so-called whole grains, we develop lactose intolerance and restrict the consumption of milk proteins thus increasing the absorption of gluten gum. This leads to diabetes and hypertension.  

The insulin business is bigger than the combined budgets of all armies in the world - that's why brainless clinical nutritionists educated by makeup schools recommend eating "whole grain" filth.



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O naturze pasożytnictwa.

 Katarzyna Hoffman   W przyrodzie żaden pasożyt nie eksploatuje nadmiernie swojego żywiciela, bo powoduje to jego własną szkodę, a że w zasa...